
Driving digital transformation in procurement: insights from Solvay’s journey

Kerrie Kennedy

August 23, 2024

In a recent webinar, eFactory Team Leader at multinational chemical company Solvay, Ana Ruth Alves, and Keelvar's VP of Professional Services, Dylan Alperin, discussed how digital sourcing is reshaping procurement processes, with a particular focus on how Solvay has leveraged Keelvar's tools and automation capabilities.

The conversation offered a wealth of insights into the real-world applications of sourcing technology, the challenges of digital transformation, and the critical role of automation in modern procurement.

Solvay’s journey

Ana Ruth Alves shared the company’s journey in adopting Keelvar, which was described as a key component of their digital transformation strategy. Initially implemented for logistics, Keelvar quickly proved its versatility, leading to its expansion across other domains within the organization.

Ana highlighted how Keelvar’s intuitive user interface and ease of use played a significant role in its adoption. "We really liked the user interface. It’s very intuitive," she noted, emphasizing how quickly the tool was embraced by the sourcing team.

"We really liked the user interface. It’s very intuitive"

The versatility of Keelvar allowed Solvay to use it across various categories. Ana explained how Keelvar’s features, such as traffic lights in multi-round events and the ability to manage both cost and non-cost factors, have been particularly beneficial. This adaptability has enabled Solvay to move from a tactical approach to a more strategic one, leveraging data-driven decision-making and enhancing supplier relationships.

The power of automation

A key theme of the discussion was the role of automation in procurement. Dylan Alperin highlighted how Keelvar’s automation capabilities are helping companies like Solvay streamline their processes and focus on strategic tasks. He shared that over 50% of events in Keelvar are now fully automated, and this number is rapidly increasing.

"We want a system to take on as much of that work as possible," Dylan explained, pointing out that automation can handle the repetitive, tactical tasks that often bog down procurement teams.

Ana echoed these sentiments, sharing how Solvay has successfully implemented Keelvar's bots to automate various sourcing processes. She described the setup process as quick and straightforward.

"It took not more than, I would say, one hour to set up the bot," she noted. This efficiency has allowed Solvay to scale their use of automation, driving greater efficiency and innovation across the organization.

"It took no more than one hour to set up the bot"

Embracing change management

Both speakers underscored the importance of change management in ensuring successful digital transformation. While adopting technologies like Keelvar is essential, equally important is the need to manage the change effectively within the organization.

Dylan pointed out that selecting the right tool is just one part of the equation; organizations must also ensure that their teams are equipped to embrace these changes. "The change management piece is really important for any sourcing implementation," Dylan said.

Anna also touched on the challenges of adoption, particularly the natural resistance to change that can occur when moving from traditional procurement methods to digital tools. However, with the right support and training—such as Keelvar’s intuitive Keelvarsity courses—these challenges can be overcome, paving the way for a smoother transition to a digitally-driven procurement process.

Looking ahead

As the webinar drew to a close, both Ana and Dylan looked to the future, discussing the ongoing innovations in Keelvar and the growing importance of autonomous sourcing. Ana expressed excitement about further exploring the potential of AI and machine learning within Keelvar, while Dylan encouraged organizations to start thinking seriously about automation if they haven’t already.

"If you're only thinking about automation, everybody else is already doing it," he warned, underscoring the urgency of staying ahead in the rapidly evolving procurement landscape.

"If you're only thinking about automation, everybody else is already doing it"

The webinar provided a compelling look into how Solvay is leveraging Keelvar to drive digital transformation in procurement. With a strong focus on automation, strategic sourcing, and effective change management, Solvay is setting a benchmark for what’s possible when technology and innovation are embraced in the procurement space. As more companies recognize the power of tools like Keelvar's, the future of procurement looks increasingly automated, efficient, and strategic.

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