The key to achieving sourcing excellence across strategic, tactical, tail spend? Stop treating spend separately.
In our latest eBook, we explore why the perception that certain spend categories or sourcing certain events sit within “strategic” spend and others within “tactical” or “tail” spend is the wrong approach if you’re looking to unlock value across your sourcing.
To be a cost savings leader, you need to have the most strategic insight and control over spend.
Why should I read it?
In the current unpredictable climate, under-resourced procurement teams are finding that achieving sourcing excellence is harder than ever. But Keelvar might just have the answer.

Spoiler alert: it’s all about viewing spend by category complexity, not just with a stock lens of value. After all, just because a sourcing event is of lower spend, it doesn’t mean it’s necessarily less complex and less of a drain on your people’s time.
What will it teach me?
How to view spend holistically, and how to scale sourcing excellence with the right enabling sourcing technology. Keeping your people focused on the high-touch high-spend and giving them tools to make the best decisions faster, and then automating the low-touch low-spend events to increase efficiency and governance.
In short, you will learn how to drive the outcomes crucial to your sourcing success across all spend categories.
Where can I find it?
Right here - and look out for eBook part 2 very soon.
Download your complimentary copy of eBook Part 1 ‘How To Achieve Sourcing Excellence Across Your Strategic, Tactical And Tail Spend’ today.