
Top takeaways for scaling sourcing excellence

Kerrie Kennedy

August 30, 2024

Over the past few weeks, we’ve delved deep into the world of modern procurement, exploring the strategies and tools that can help you elevate your sourcing game. From navigating complex sourcing challenges to embracing automation and driving adoption, we’ve covered a lot of ground.

Now, as we wrap up this series, let’s distill everything down into the top takeaways that will help you scale sourcing excellence in your organization.

1. Upgrade from outdated methods to modern tools

If you’re still relying heavily on Excel or clunky legacy sourcing tools, it’s time to consider an upgrade. While these tools might have gotten you this far, they’re not equipped to handle the complexities of today’s procurement landscape.

Advanced analytics, centralized data management, and user-friendly platforms are essential to managing large datasets, reducing errors, and making informed, strategic decisions.

"Excel is like that trusty Swiss Army knife—great for everything until you need to handle a million records or more."
Dylan Alperin, VP of Professional Services, Keelvar

2. Make automation a priority to boost efficiency

Automation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity for modern procurement teams. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, you can free up your team to focus on more strategic activities that add real value.

Start with the low-hanging fruit—those high-frequency, repetitive tasks—and then expand automation to more complex processes. The result? Greater efficiency, enhanced accuracy, and improved supplier management.

"Automation is becoming increasingly vital in the procurement space. It reduces time spent on repetitive tasks, leading to increased efficiency."
Madeline Roberts, Data Analyst, Keelvar

3. Ensure successful adoption with strong leadership and clear communication

No matter how powerful your new procurement tools are, they won’t deliver results if your team doesn’t use them. That’s why driving adoption is crucial. Start by developing a clear adoption strategy that includes defined roles and strong leadership support.

Communicate the benefits of the new tools effectively and address any concerns early on to ensure a smooth transition and wide adoption.

"Engagement from leadership is absolutely key to a successful change."
Geraldine Brouste, Customer Success Manager, Keelvar

4. Focus on quick wins to build momentum

When introducing new tools or processes, quick wins can make all the difference. These small, achievable goals help demonstrate the value of the new system and build confidence within your team. As these early successes accumulate, you’ll create momentum that drives broader adoption and deeper integration of the tools across your organization.

"Make sure you utilize success stories and create advocates within your organization to share these successes and encourage others."
Martin Srna, VP of Customer Success, Keelvar

5. Align your sourcing strategies with broader corporate goals

Your sourcing strategy should never operate in isolation. Align it with broader corporate objectives like cost reduction, sustainability, and innovation. This alignment not only ensures that procurement efforts contribute to the overall success of the organization but also highlights the strategic value of your team’s work.


Scaling sourcing excellence requires a blend of modern tools, smart automation, effective change management, and a strategic approach to adoption. By focusing on these top takeaways, you’ll be well-equipped to drive significant improvements in your procurement processes, achieving greater efficiency, cost savings, and strategic value for your organization.

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