Choose a date and time that suits you.
Hosted on-site or at Keelvar in Cork, Ireland
Max. 10 attendees incl. a Keelvar architect and Customer Success
Workshops are 4-6 hours duration
Keelvar Co:Lab workshops are designed to help you develop your automation strategy aligning to best practices to drive maximum impact.
During the workshop you’ll learn how to:
Identify and assess the best use cases for automation
Build and deploy your own workflows using our self-service Workflow Builder
Drive adoption, usage and change management
Book a workshopWe recommend you identify two use cases before the workshop. Review how the requesting and sourcing process is handled today, identify the information required to create a request, and prepare the bid details required from the suppliers to identify and award the business. Ideally, prepare the list of potential users and the supplier panel. This will allow you to deploy a productive bot following best practices.
Book a workshop